Graphic Identity
Client: Gemeente Amsterdam
We had the honour to create the identity for Zuidoost Beseft, an initiative of the Gemeente Amsterdam. Zuidoost Beseft is created with and for the diverse local community to promote equality and representation. Its goal is to strengthen collaboration between local government, private individuals, and organizations to address systemic inequalities and improve the position of minorities in society. The identity consists out of the 'Mattenklopper' as main symbol. The mattenklopper symbolises clearing away negativity to make space for positive things. In Suriname, it is gifted by someone who cherishes you, as a token of friendship or love. The identity first got applied to festival celebrating 'Keti Koti', an annual celebration on 1 July that marks Emancipation Day in Suriname. For Zuidoost Beseft, we designed a website, broche, flags, t-shirts and more.